Monday, June 24, 2013

Ol' Beary Boy

Dogs have given us their absolute all.  
We are the center of their universe.  
We are the focus of their love and faith and trust.  
They serve us in return for scraps.  
It is without a doubt the best deal man has ever made.  
~Roger Caras

Saturday, June 22, 2013



My son brought his new girlfriend 
for a Father's Day cookout.
Well, she's new to ME, Jacob!
As soon as I saw these sandals,
I asked if I could get a picture of them. 
She must have thought I was nuts! 
She'll probably never come back,
and we'll never get to know each other.
You'd think by now
I would have run out of ways
to embarrass my son!

But I got to know Nicole's feet pretty well...

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

You Made it Right!

Photo courtesy:     THANKS JON!

This is my "signature song; 
the song that best describes me, 
how I try to look at life --- 
by a favorite band from long ago, 
the Ozark Mountain Daredevils.

Sunday, June 16, 2013


When such as I cast out remorse
So great a sweetness flows
into the breast
We must laugh and
we must sing,
We are blest by everything,
Everything we look upon is blest.

~William Butler Yeats

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Spidee Update

Some few hours later (see photo below) Spidee had literally carried the imprisoned katydid to the upper left corner of the window, where she has her egg sack hanging. Do you know how strong spider web is??? ¡MUY FUERTE, MIS AMIGOS! How did Spidee drag her prey through that tangle of webs, back to her nest?

A few more hours later, I go back to look again. Spidee has been sucking the living daylights out of the katydid. It's not much more than an empty husk now, with Spidee resting in bloated satisfaction.


Ok, what's going on here is this:

Outside (and sometimes inside) 
my kitchen window, over the sink, 
exists a small world unknown to many. 
A miniature metropolis, if you will...  
A nucleus in the very atom 
of the molecule of  life 
that we call

The Twilight Zone!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

And PT#3

Today I had Sabrina again. She was a bit more friendly, but I don't think she understands the concept of fibromyalgia pain. It's not what she's doing to my hips that's hurting's her gouging my fibro-points (the signal places on your body where the doctor presses to see if you jump outta your hide from pain... if you do, you are diagnosed.  There's no other test for it.). Geez, that's where she grips me to manipulate and stretch me... but is it necessary to latch onto me so hard?

I asked her, today, if I'm unable to continue with PT due to the fibro-torture, will the insurance company waive the requirement that I have 5 weeks of it before surgery. She just said I need to hang in there a few more weeks and see what happens. Try not to focus on the pain. So, OK...

@ VICKI: LOL! Karaoke, huh? I let my husband take me out about once a year for karaoke. Actually, I've only done it twice, but it's almost time to do it again! I better start practicing.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

2nd PT Session

I got lucky and drew a cute, young physical therapist yesterday. Let's call him Alex (not his real name). I hope I have him again.

I wasn't looking forward to the young woman who served me on Friday. There must be a pool or something. Whoever's available, take the next patient. I was delighted when Alex came to the door and called my name. He was everything that (let's call her) Sabrina was not. He was polite, interested, capable, patient.  He ever-so-gently did some stretches to my hips and legs that I have to believe are healing me as we speak.  Even though I could barely walk yesterday and today's no better from the hip impingement. I have to starve myself to keep from gaining any more weight. I'm sore, my butt hurts so I can barely sit, I'm grouchy as a bear, it's supposed to get up to 90 degrees outside today, I'm reluctant to try to do too much (I might get hurt and undo any benefits that may come from PT) and I'm too unmotivated to take on the buffalo gnats and skeeters to go outside and let my dog play.


Saturday, June 8, 2013

Hello Old Friend!

Jacob with Kitten Nugget circa 1996
When I was in the waiting room for physical therapy yesterday, who should walk in but my son's 2nd grade teacher! 

I greeted her by name, and while she was signing in, I was racking my feeble brain trying to make sure I had the right name for her.  It's been at least 15 years since I've seen her. She looked the same, but lighter --- and she was walking with a walker.

When she came back to sit beside me and visit, I knew I had the right name on the right teacher. She had the waiting room in stitches, talking about all of her walkers, crutches and canes --- they were each named because they're old friends and they take good care of her.  But only one had a female name, though, because she does all the work. 

She asked about my son, by name, and told me she still has this precious little wooden cross he'd made her, painted gold (because gold is her favorite color), and edged in black. She's probably one of the few teachers who remember my son with any fondness, I'm afraid, because she had him in her class when he was still little and sweet and manageable. (Sorry, son...)

She mentioned surgery on her leg, and then proudly told me she's a 4-time cancer survivor.  She's one of the most beloved teachers at my son's school, who's filling her retirement years volunteer-teaching back in the same school. It was so good to see her again.

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Road to Recovery...Maybe

I had my first physical therapy session today.  
That involved being poked and prodded 
and twisted in various configurations.  
I didn't like my therapist, because 
I could tell she didn't like me. 
(Or maybe the young lady 
doesn't like working on old timers, 
or maybe she's just naturally stand-offish...) 
Maybe she didn't know how to deal 
with a fibromyalgia patient who howls in pain 
while she's poking and pulling and tying her in knots.

I have a couple stretches to do twice daily 
and see her again on Monday. 

I feel like I've been beat up!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Why Do They Call Them Dear?

photo courtesy
Twice this week I went to town, and both times I saw a doe and her fawn in the same place on our road. I drove slowly behind them.  The sweet little newborn fawn was barely old enough to be dry, and tried to keep up with its mother on long, wobbly legs. When the doe jumped into the woods, the little guy made to follow her, but as soon as it got off the gravel road and into the tall grass of the ditch, it immediately dropped and lay motionless, as flat as it could press itself to the ground. It happened exactly like this both times.  It's an inborn instinct for all fawns to drop and freeze when in danger. Because it's born with no scent, many times a fawn will escape an almost-certain death as it lies still, while its mother lures the predator away from where her baby is hiding.

I sat in my car for a few minutes, looking at it --- then drove away. One should never touch a fawn, as your scent would be left on it, which might cause the doe to abandon her baby. It's hard, though, to look but not want to hug.

SO! This morning I went out to the garden --- muddy, weedy mess --- and discovered gargantuan deer tracks (if I didn't know better, I'd guess it was a moose). Also, what I discovered was that said deer had pigged out on my baby tomato, cabbage, and sunflower plants. I WANTED TO KILL!

I give up! I couldn't be a market gardener if I wanted to. Each year I dread starting a new garden. Last two years I had to deal with drought; now weeds are taking over, because it's been too muddy to work. And I'm getting all crippled up and slow. If gardening, a lifelong joy, no longer gives me pleasure... let it go! Sow the whole meadow in rye and take up wildlife watching.  Transform the place into a Pony Park and make some money  ... Move to town! Rrrrrrrrrr!


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

This Week's Rant-a-Rama

What do you guys think of storm-chasers? 

Photo courtesy Jon Sullivan
I know there was a time when they were valuable look-outs for dangerous storms and contributed vast amounts of info about what goes on inside a tornado, but with today’s Doppler radar, weather satellites, and computer technology --- are they really necessary?

What burns me up --- I mean really sets my ass on fire! --- is how the Weather Station announces Tornado Week, the Great Tornado Hunt, etc. etc., like tornadoes are some form of high entertainment!  You can just hear the glee in the storm chaser’s voice when he says it looks like a good day for spotting a tornado, or the disappointment when it never materialized.

It seems like every TV station shows storm photos that viewers send in. So besides all those professional storm-chasers, the roads are also busy with amateur lookie-loo’s. Talk about the ultimate in distracted driving! 

The other morning, when they predicted more tornadoes for Oklahoma, right after that bad one in Moore, I told my husband, “Just wait. One day a car full of storm-chasers will get killed. Then will they finally put a stop to this insanity?”  That evening 3 pro-storm-chasers lost their lives.

I just think it’s the utmost insensitivity and stupidity for the Weather Channel, Discovery Channel, etc. to make such a sport of storm-chasing --- adrenaline junkies are going to be out there on the roads cruising for the ultimate thrill, and believe it or not, sometimes they even have their kids with them!!! And get this: they even have tour companies now that offer the best in storm-chasing adventures! [Free Depends for all Passengers!]

Hopefully, after seeing dramatic footage of storm-chaser vehicles plowing through blown- apart barns, slammed by round hay bales that can weigh up to a ton, and tumbled over and over like an insane carnival ride, folks will realize that cars are the worst place to be in a tornado! 


So, that’s my rant for the week. With a sincere prayer added for all those who are suffering and faced with the overwhelming task of rebuilding their lives after this latest round of super-cell tornadoes. My heart goes out to you.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I'd Rather Take My Chances with an Earthquake or a Volcano

After two weeks of serious storms and way too much rain, we’ve finally had a couple dry days here. My husband went back to work on the farm today (finally!). They were able to get the corn planted during an earlier, drier spell, but now it’s standing in flooded fields. They’re way behind on planting soybeans, and if this rainy weather keeps on much longer, the wheat crop will be ruined. Not to mention they haven’t been able to do any haying. Farmers just can’t seem to catch a break any more.

We live in Tornado Alley. I HATE living here.  Where can I go to live out the rest of my days not having to worry about tornadoes? Seeing the destruction others (especially in Oklahoma) are faced with from the outbreak of twisters this past week, I feel very fortunate. I’m just devastated looking at all the tornado damage, because I think that would be the worst thing --- one minute you have your life and home and family, and then suddenly it can all be gone, with your most treasured and personal possessions scattered all over the countryside.
I just about go crazy when a storm approaches, as it did a few days ago. I wanted to jump in the van and run away from here, but Rich said, "There's no place to go. The storm front stretches all the way from Texas to Canada." 
Our dog goes and hides in the bathroom when he senses a storm coming.You can almost predict the weather by where he's napping.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

That's How It Always Goes

Are you like me? You put off going to the doctor til you're nearly dead, finally make an appointment (for a week away) and suddenly, you're all well!

Last weekend (Mem. Day), I COULD NOT WALK for about four days! I've always had this little glitch in my right hip joint. And really, that's no surprise. My right leg has taken quite a beating over the years.

About 30 years ago, on the farm, we used cattle panels as gates between pastures. (Cattle panels are long sections of stiff wire fencing.You wire them to the fence posts.) Anyway one day, while opening one, it got caught in the tall grass. I tugged and tugged and when it finally tore loose, it came down right across the top of my right foot. I'm sure it broke every little bone in my foot, and I literally "saw stars," the pain was so acute.

Not long after that, I accidentally stepped in a bucket in the barn, and the far side swung up and whacked me a good one in the right shin.

Not long after THAT, I was kicked in the pelvis (right side) while trying to load a horse in the trailer. Saw stars with that one too! I'm sure most people have no idea how hard a horse can kick. I didn't either until one connected with my mid-section. The ER doctor said if it'd been an inch to the left, I would have sustained serious internal injuries.

About 25 years ago, after we moved up here, we were having trouble with trespassing hunters. I heard one's truck coming up the hill one day, so I ran out to try to apprehend. It was a January thaw, so the ground was greasy. I slipped and my right leg went straight out sideways at a 90 degree angle at the knee --- messed up something, meniscus, I think --- that was a bad one.

Another time I went to step off the porch and sprained my right ankle. Just this past winter I slipped on ice and landed, yes, on my right hip. When I have gout, it's in my right big toe.  Because of all this trauma to my right leg, I think my left leg is shorter from taking my weight when I limp.

So, anyway, I've always had this occasional glitch in that hip. I can be walking along and BAM! My hip freezes up, very painfully, and I have to stop dead in my tracks til the pain passes. Then I'm usually okay.

Last weekend, I couldn't walk at all. I couldn't walk from the living room to the kitchen without almost falling in the floor. Hip impingement?  Arthritis? Bone spur?

Even though I've been walking fine all day, I think I'll keep the appointment and have them take X-rays. It's bound to return.

That ON TOP OF another fibro-attack. For the past four or five days I've barely been able to get out of bed, my legs hurt so bad from hips to toes. Fibro is a form of nerve damage: no known cause and so far no cure. Forget about Advil, Tylenol (with or without codeine), Vicodins, Oxycontins, morphine. Nothing (and I mean NOTHING) touches the pain of fibro. It's like a migraine of the body, instead of the head. I just spend a lot of time writhing in bed, crying, trying to sleep it off.

Today, for the first time in two weeks, it didn't rain.  Today was a beautiful cool, sunny day.

And I felt GOOD for a change!

And the Winner Is...

Largest Morel of 
the 2013 Spring Mushroom Season

6.5 inches tall