Monday, July 9, 2012

The Gift

Rainer Maria Rilke gave me a gift the other day. 

I've been through my share of troubles lately, and I've been restless --- ready to rip up roots and run. Then I ran across this quote, while I was "blog surfing," which really soothed me, slowed me down, and showed me patience. I hope it gives someone else some peace.

I took liberties to type-set the quote below in poetry form. My apologies to Mr. Rilke.
Be patient toward all 
that is unsolved in your heart 
and try to love the questions themselves 
like locked rooms and like books 
that are written in a very foreign tongue. 
Do not now seek the answers, 
which cannot be given you 
because you would not be able to live them. 
And the point is, to live everything. 
Live the questions now. 
Perhaps you will find them gradually, 
without noticing it, 
and live along some distant day into the answer.
~Rainer Maria Rilke

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