Thursday, June 28, 2012

Oldie But Goodie...

circa 1990
Here lately all I've been blogging about is my garden. 
For a change of pace, 
here's a 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Golden Trumpet

What is more boisterously joyous 
than a zucchini blossom? 
And they're edible too!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Check out the pollen this bee is getting from my Rose of Sharon bush!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


"Soleil Rouge" 2'x2' mixed media
Enjoy your Summer Solstice!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

By the Shores of Gitche Gumee

Happy Flag Day


Avenue of the Flags, Jacksonville Community Park, Illinois

If you see one of these today (and you live in the U.S.), I hope you'll pause for a moment with a salute or a prayer or a meditation on the flag: what it is, what it means, and what it would be like if it no longer flew over our fair country.


Sunday, June 10, 2012

More Garden Delights

I sure hope all of my fans aren't 
getting sick of looking at my garden produce. 
This is our best garden in 25 years, 
even though we're gripped in a relentless drought.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Unwelcome Relatives

 Once upon a time, years and years ago, 
I bought a single small pot of striped zebra grass 
(I guess that's what you call it).  
Nobody told me beware!  
This stuff is invasive and 
will spread all over the flower bed 
via underground rhizomes.  

So now, not only is it too expansive 
(when I thought it would make 
a great backgound planting), 
but each year, the middle of it 
expands with a mutation or something. 
Looks like the same grass, 
but instead of being striped and about 4 feet tall, 
these renegade plants are all green and over 5 feet tall. 
Someday, I'm going to attempt 
to dig out the bad stuff and plant it 
along the edge of the woods 
where it can grow 
to it's heart's content.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Eye Candy Grows in My Garden

Give me odorous at sunrise
 a garden of beautiful flowers
 where I can walk undisturbed.  
~Walt Whitman

Monday, June 4, 2012

Alas, the Cherries...

Alas the cherries! This is a photo of last year's beauties.  But this spring, for the first time in the 24 years we've lived here, birds ate every one of them. Just when we noticed they were ripening, and suddenly, POOF! They're gone! Do they eat the green ones too? This is too strange. There've always been plenty of cherries to share with the birds. And those trees were loaded with blossoms earlier and never got frosted. Another of CC's Nature Mysteries.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Shy One

Another little visitor to the garden.
I love the markings on its shell. 
Sort of like ancient runes or mysterious writing.
Wonder what it says!
My dog, Beary, found this little box turtle fascinating
 and kept flipping him over on his back. 
That's not a neighborly thing to do...bad dog!

Saturday, June 2, 2012


I don't know what these insects are called, 
but they only seem to bother these yellow flowers. 
Come to think of it, 
I don't know the name of the flowers either, 
but they've been growing in our flower bed at  least 20 years. 
Time to do some research!

Friday, June 1, 2012

First Red Tomato of the Season

It's a good thing we picked it last night. 
Something took a big bite out of the green one below!