Friday, June 8, 2012

Unwelcome Relatives

 Once upon a time, years and years ago, 
I bought a single small pot of striped zebra grass 
(I guess that's what you call it).  
Nobody told me beware!  
This stuff is invasive and 
will spread all over the flower bed 
via underground rhizomes.  

So now, not only is it too expansive 
(when I thought it would make 
a great backgound planting), 
but each year, the middle of it 
expands with a mutation or something. 
Looks like the same grass, 
but instead of being striped and about 4 feet tall, 
these renegade plants are all green and over 5 feet tall. 
Someday, I'm going to attempt 
to dig out the bad stuff and plant it 
along the edge of the woods 
where it can grow 
to it's heart's content.


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