Wednesday, September 24, 2014


I journal, I blog, and lately I've been writing poetry.

A poem by C.C.

In other days you filled the silence
With your herky-jerky exuberance,
Big dog with a bull-whip of a tail.

Silence, your dog tags jingling.

Silence, with the scratching and scraping
Of your front paws
As you shot your favorite ball 
Backwards from out between your hind legs.

Silence of your goofy scuffle
To get your toy back under control again.

Silence, as you contentedly chewed up one ball after another, chomping your way through a succession of expensive pet toys. 

Silence, at night,
with background lapping of water in the dark.
Silence with a sigh,
As you circle, and down you lie.

Silence, except for the worrisome sound
of licking, licking,
forever licking,
Perpetually grooming ---
Handsome dog with too much hair.

Oh, the silence
Is truly silent now.
The same road noise, bird song, 
squirrel scold, cicada screech...

But oh, so silent
without my friend at my side.
Deep silence since a good dog died.

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