Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Went Visiting

Today, we actually DID something for a change, besides sitting around here moping in the rain. We went down to Rich's parents for lunch and card-playing. They've been trying to teach me to play euchre for over a year now, and I'm finally catching on. Grandma and I beat Grandpa and Rich 2 games to 1. I was smokin'!

I think Rich will return to work tomorrow. It's still too wet to plant corn, but there's machinery they can work on in the shed. This is just a terrible spring. Last spring was so mild and dry that they got everything planted early. It's been nothing but cold and wet and windy all throughout April --- plus that huge snow we got from Winter Storm Virgil. There are floods everywhere. All the creeks and rivers have been out of their banks, and some haven't even crested yet.


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