Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Please Excuse CC...

Please excuse CC's extended absence!

Wow! I can't believe it's been almost a month since I last posted to this blog! When I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia on May 1st, I more or less gave up on life. I've unknowingly suffered with it for several decades, just thinking it was the aches and pains of growing old. But this winter I became so sick, I literally could not raise myself out of bed, I was so weak and full of pain. I had severe insomnia from the pain, too --- I was a mess.

After all kinds of blood tests and a sleep study, all things being normal, I was finally referred to a rheumatologist and diagnosed with the dreaded, no-cure condition of fibromyalgia (known in previous generations as hypochondria and laziness). Besides previously being prescribed Nexium for my acid reflux and a thyroid pill (taken in the morning on an empty stomach), and a sleeping pill and an anti-anxiety pill (taken at night to sleep), I was put on the newest of three fibro pills, Savella.

The side effects have been horrendous. But the pain was cut in half. So I kept on with the treatment, even though it was causing extreme constipation and its after effects, dizziness so bad I walked like a drunk, and a mental fog so bad that simply posting to my blog was next to impossible.

A PAINFUL SMILE        8-13-12
I think I've turned the corner, though. I hit rock bottom last Thursday, and my husband got me in to see my rheumatologist the next day. He adjusted my fibro-med dosage and put me on 2 more pills (one was for arthritis, just in case the remaining pain in my hips and knees was coming from that --- and the other was to "help" the fibro-med, whatever that means???)

I had a good, hopeful day on Saturday (when I overdid it in my garden) and a crummy day on Sunday (payment due for overdoing on Sat.) --- and it will be like this, I guess, for the rest of my life. I'll have good spells and I'll have bad spells. When it's bad, I'll just have to remember that it's only temporary and I'll circle back around to good, just hang in there... It's too early to tell if the drug cocktail will work, but I'm feeling well enough today to attempt to post on my blogs.



  1. sorry to hear of all this CC... my daughter has fibro...
    you will be in my thoughts

    love you

  2. CC I am so sorry to hear about this. My heart is with you. Please call or write me. I love you BIG GIANT HUG
