Friday, August 31, 2012

We Need It & We're Gonna Get It

The remnants of Hurricane Isaac are due to arrive in our drought-stricken area tonight and all weekend long.  After a baking summer of 90 and 100 degree temperatures and only 2 inches of rain --- HERE HE COMES!

My footprints are still there, weeks after the last 1-inch rain!
The ground is like cracked cement. Most of this rain, coming hard and moving slowly, will run off the fields and into the creeks, flooding low-lying areas, and eventually make it's way down the Mississippi River, back to New Orleans. Those poor souls!

I have a million things to do, but Priority One is to drive to town and pick up the stuff we're going to need if the electricity is knocked out.  Did I say IF? With these trees crackle-dry and some of them actually dying, the wind will tear a lot of them down. I pray there are no tornadoes, but I'm sure we'll be out of electricity, regardless. The question is: for how long?  Four and a half years ago, it was off 6 days after an ice storm.

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