Sunday, December 23, 2012

Screaming My Head Off!

"The Scream" by Edvard Munch (detail)
Oh, NO!!! HOW did it get to be December 23rd already? 

I'm getting desperate here!  The tin I'm painting (see post below) is probably 90% done, but it's those blasted roses that are hanging me up. 

I've never enjoyed painting flowers, and I've never tried to paint roses (too compli- cated) --- well, there's a first time for everything! And as I struggle with these three roses, it really makes me want to continue on with painting them until I get good at it. For the time being, though, I just hope the man likes my work. And I especially hope his wife likes it, because apparently this tin was hers when she was a little girl. Maybe it's a child's lunch tin, of the old-fashioned kind. I don't know.

I really had planned on finishing this tonight, but it's nearly midnight and I'm dog-tired. I'll have to find time to complete it tomorrow, even though it'll be Christmas Eve. I told him I could deliver it around four. But tomorrow I'll be busy cleaning house, making a cheese-ball, walking the dog, and baking brownies for the hunting buddies. 

Rich bought himself a smoker for Christmas, so tomorrow he'll break it in by smoking a turkey.  Jacob and his girlfriend are coming for dinner tomorrow night. I told Rich I wanted a year off from holiday cooking, so he's doing it. Going to keep it simple, turkey sandwiches. All I have to do is make the cheese-ball and a veg tray.

So that's why I'm screaming!  I have a deadline looming, and so much to do besides. I think I'm losing my mind!!!

Oh, once we get home from church, I plan to sleep all day Christmas!

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