Monday, January 7, 2013

A Painting Chore

Ho hum...I'm out of paint palettes, so it's time to do the dishes.  I could just use coated paper plates for palettes and throw them away.  But I like to reuse & recycle, so I use plastic art palettes and cottage cheese container lids. 

I put the dirty palettes on the left of the sink and fill them with water. The paint becomes soft after a few minutes and you can easily peel the thicker paint chips off.  The residue of paint left behind on the palette is then scrubbed off --- I use my thumbnail.  Voila! Clean palettes: I stack them on the other side of the sink to dry. After the paint chips are dry, I place them in a ziplok bag, awaiting a strange, new painting that's simmering in my mind. 

Now, I'm ready to paint again.Time to finish that tomato cage painting.

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