Saturday, July 20, 2013

A Bad Moon on the Rise

Zion N.P., Utah --- where I'd RATHER be on my birthday!
Phtoto courtesy  Thanks, Jon!

This coming Monday (which is a full moon BTW), I'll endure my Big Six-Oh. This is Saturday. I want to party TONIGHT.  Nobody will want to party on a Monday night. Right?

Weeks ago I kept saying things like, "I want to have a party for my Big Six-Oh," or "we need to decide what we're going to do for my birthday" or "we need to not wait til the last minute to invite people to my Bday".

As fate would have it, the guy still hasn't come to pour our new patio. It's just been too dad-blamed hot!  The concrete would set up before they could stamp the rock-like pattern in it. But this coming week is supposed to be cooler, so hopefully it will get done by next weekend.

So I guess it's understood that my party will have to be postponed until the patio is done. Which is stupid. We could still go out tonight. If Rich is trying to surprise me, he will have succeeded.

I'm feeling blue.

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