Monday, October 1, 2012

Eat Your Veggies!


Here's what I had for lunch: brown and wild rice with carrots, peas, and corn. Needs no high-cal sauces --- the vegetables give the rice a delicate, delectable sweetness.

I'm not an "official" vegetarian, but I only rarely eat meat. I do have to cook it for my "meat-and-potatoes" guy every day, though.  If I had it my way, we'd both be real vegetarians.  It's good for people, animals, and life on this planet.  

Come on everybody! 
Celebrate some vegetables today!


  1. I was totally unaware of this world vegetarian day. The supper club I go to sometimes has vegetarian days, so I have participated in a few. Also, the buddhist monastery I worked at one summer was of course vegetarian, so I ate vegetarian then too. I don't think I could do it full time though, I do enjoy a fried pork chop or a nice burger.

  2. Same here, Vicki. I like pork chops and chicken and fish once in a while.

    My husband is a deer hunter, so we eat that in place of beef pretty much year round. It's both low-fat and organic. There are so many deer where we live that they need to be hunted to keep the herds healthy. Also they damage crops and get hit by cars on the highways. It's nice to know there's free food out there, if you just make the effort to bring it in.

    But I'd still rather be a vegetarian, I think...
