Thursday, May 16, 2013

A Vet Proves a Deadly Point!

Please check out this video. 

A veterinarian sits in a closed-up car for 30 minutes on a hot sunny day to demonstrate what a poor, helpless dog suffers in such a situation:

Besides a stiff fine for this cruel treatment of an animal, the perp should be forced to endure 60 minutes in a hot car like this, with a paramedic standing by to bring him/her back from the brink of death as they succumb to heat stroke!

Most people just don't think! They love their dogs and want to take them everywhere they go. Tragically, a lot of dogs that die in overheated cars were beloved pets. Their owners would NEVER have done anything intentionally to hurt them! But they made a stupid mistake about something so obvious:



  1. I hate when I see dogs in the car! I have passed along your blog to a friend of mine on Facebook, Shea White. She used to be a radio personality but she now works with dogs at various locations:
    maybe this will bring some traffic to your site and the last few blogs you've posted!

  2. Thanks, Vicki, for getting the word out! I REALLY appreciate it! I'm not on Facebook anymore (hated it, that's why I blog), but if Shea reads this, maybe she has some ideas about getting the word out, because the "killing season" is upon us once again.

    I'd like to get our local TV station (heck, why not CNN & the Weather Channel too?) to run a piece on this critical issue! Heck, I'd even volunteer to be the guinea pig and sit in the hot car like the vet did --- but I KNOW I couldn't take it longer than 5 minutes! I have something a dog doesn't --- hands to open the door handle and escape!
