Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Sick of 'Em!

Morels! You gotta love 'em.  But you can also get sick of them when you eat them night after night.  I have bags of them in my refrigerator. Bags ready to fry. Bags of mushrooms that need to be cleaned yet. I hope they hold til Friday --- we'll take them over to our son's and cook them up for him and his friends.

 I can't tromp around in the hills and hollers any more to hunt them like I used to. But maybe that's for the best: I hate getting ticks on me. But my husband is a 'shroom-nut, and he has plenty of woods to hunt in, because he works for a farmer. 

When we first moved here, this was a morel paradise. But the last 3 or 4 years, we haven't found many on our 35 acres. Rich probably hunted them to extinction here.

People go CRAZY over these little fungi! They drive out in the country, see a woodlot that looks promising, hop out of their cars and tramp all over private property, trying to catch 'em a mess of mushrooms. They're going for $30 a pound (a pound being about enough for two people to make a meal of)! We saw people asking $45 a pound on E-Bay. We could go into any bar and sell out in a matter of minutes. We used to pull into the Kmart parking lot, let down the tailgate and set out our bags of mushrooms --- they'd be sold almost instantly, before Kmart even knew we were out there peddling them.


  1. you know, I don't think I've ever eaten one before! I've never hunted them. I don't even know if they grow in my part of the country....hmmmm.

  2. Hey there, Vicki! I found a map on the Internet and they had the big yellows north of Dallas last month. It's probably not a big deal like it is up here.
