Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What is WRONG with People???

Q: What is WRONG with people? Are they just clueless?

I went to the library today, then stopped at Steak N Shake for a bite, before going to get groceries at Walmart (directly across the street from St/Sh).

So I eat, come out to go to my car, and right there in front of the door, in a handicapped space, was a big white car with tinted black windows, and a poor little fluffy white dog inside howling like a banshee. I was just so upset, but what to do? I called 411 for St/Sh's phone number, then called them. I told the girl who answered what was going on and she said she'd tell the manager. I said to be sure and do it NOW because I'm sitting out here in the parking lot and I'm getting ready to call the police.

Nothing happened. Granted, this was the lunch rush and the place was packed. So I got out my little spy-girl notebook and my cell phone and marched over to the car, took down the license plate number, and went over and stuck my hand in the open-cracked window to see just how hot it really was in there. HOT! The little dog is going bananas, which only makes him hotter.

I went in and asked for the manager. I apologized for disturbing him at such a busy time, then explained the situation. He went out, looked at the dog, came back in and shrugged. So I said, "well, I'm not going to let this little dog suffer. I'm calling the police."

"Oh, no, don't do that! I'll go ask around." He wandered around the restaurant asking everyone if it was their car with the dog in it. Finally, it was the last couple he asked and he told them "This young lady is concerned about your dog out in the hot car." (I wanted to smack him. Young lady! Dude, I'm old enough to be your granny. Don't condescend to me!)

The woman says "Oh, we cracked the windows and he has water. He'll be ok." So, I very gently but urgently explained that "it's 80 degrees outside right now, and I stuck my hand inside your window and I can guarantee it's at least 90 or 95 in your car. Your dog is close to heat stroke." She just gave me this sour smile and said, "We're about done here. He'll be ok." I said, "OK, I'm calling 911." And I marched outside and faked like I was dialing right in front of her car and then walked up and down gesturing like I was talking on the phone.

She came flying out there and unlocked the back door and crawled halfway in to soothe her howling doggie, and she was saying, "Oh, my goodness, Honey! It IS hot out here! Oh, no! I didn't know! Oh, Honey, I'm sooooo sorry. I'm so sorry!" 

So she tries to make excuses: "it wasn't that hot when we went in" (DUUUUUHHHH! Did you happen to drive up with your A/C on, do you think?), etc. etc. I put on my best teacher voice and educated her about how much smaller dogs are than people, so they succumb to the heat quicker, and those black-tinted windows soak up the sun and heat the car up like the inside of an oven. Etc. etc. I'm proud of myself for handling all this as calmly as I did, because I can get really nasty when I'm upset.

So she said she'd stay outside with the dog while her husband finished eating. I offered to walk her dog for her, so she could go back in and finish her meal. But no, she said that wasn't necessary. I think she just wanted me gone! I told her she could trust me, and she said she's sure she could, but her dog isn't good with strangers. So I wandered off and went across the street to Walmart where I sat watching her walk her dog up and down the street for the next half hour! I wanted to make sure she didn't just put him back in the hot car. 

Finally her husband came out --- all-in-all that dog would have been broiling in that car for almost an hour if I hadn't caused such a ruckus and ruined their meal.

And don't it feel good  
to be so mean  
to them that deserves it!


  1. Notice in the above story: I had to threaten to call the police three different times, to three different people, before we got this thing resolved!
