Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Dusty Trail Home

Early Sunday morning, April 27th, I left Taos the way I arrived, with snow. Charles, at the B&B, was kind enough to send me on my way with a brown-bag-it breakfast of two bran muffins and a banana.

I dreaded trying to get down out of the mountains in the snow, but the roads weren't bad at all. And I was, after two weeks, an old pro at mountain travel. So no problems there.  Once I was down on the plain, I kept looking back sadly at the mountains receding in the distance--- how I wish we could live there!

Coming across the emptiness of the Oklahoma panhandle, I found this windmill.  I saw so many windmills on my trip to Taos, and I love having windmill pix in my photo source files --- so I wanted at least one picture of a windmill on my way home.

Most of my trip out of New Mexico and across Oklahoma and Kansas, I was driving in a blinding dust storm! That really slowed me down and made for tense driving. I stayed at the Swedish Country Inn B&B in Lindsborg, Kansas again, that night. Nibbled at the complementary Swedish breakfast (just didn't care for the food) the next morning, before the last leg of my trip home. Before I left town, I saw this wild and crazy "art car". Wonder what the owner looked like!

I only stopped at one place in Missouri to sightsee. Have no idea where this was, but I saw a sign for "Pony Express Way Station, 3 miles.  So I went to check it out.  A lonesome place if I ever saw one!

And finally, it was home sweet home at last. When I left it was still winter grays and browns.  When I got home, spring was busting out all over. 

Beary was so happy to see me! Little did I know that exactly one month later he would have to be euthanized.  This was one of the last pictures I took of my Beary Boy.

And so wraps up my TWO WEEKS IN TAOS. It was an amazing adventure, and I hope someday to return.


  1. I love windmill pictures too. Maybe I should do a "study" of them and practice painting or drawing on my summer break.

    1. Do it, Vicki! Windmills are fairly easy, and you could go wild first and paint a dazzling sunset sky, then add the windmill and I bet you'd love it! I'm getting ready to start another small ptg using my windmill photo.
