Tuesday, June 11, 2013

2nd PT Session

I got lucky and drew a cute, young physical therapist yesterday. Let's call him Alex (not his real name). I hope I have him again.

I wasn't looking forward to the young woman who served me on Friday. There must be a pool or something. Whoever's available, take the next patient. I was delighted when Alex came to the door and called my name. He was everything that (let's call her) Sabrina was not. He was polite, interested, capable, patient.  He ever-so-gently did some stretches to my hips and legs that I have to believe are healing me as we speak.  Even though I could barely walk yesterday and today's no better from the hip impingement. I have to starve myself to keep from gaining any more weight. I'm sore, my butt hurts so I can barely sit, I'm grouchy as a bear, it's supposed to get up to 90 degrees outside today, I'm reluctant to try to do too much (I might get hurt and undo any benefits that may come from PT) and I'm too unmotivated to take on the buffalo gnats and skeeters to go outside and let my dog play.


1 comment:

  1. egads! I wish there was something I could do, some magic or something. A friend of mine also has fibromy-whatever, but not this bad I don't think. Hang in there, it can't last in this degree, can it? At least you don't have to sing in karoke tonight because you got hustled in skeeball....
