Wednesday, June 5, 2013

This Week's Rant-a-Rama

What do you guys think of storm-chasers? 

Photo courtesy Jon Sullivan
I know there was a time when they were valuable look-outs for dangerous storms and contributed vast amounts of info about what goes on inside a tornado, but with today’s Doppler radar, weather satellites, and computer technology --- are they really necessary?

What burns me up --- I mean really sets my ass on fire! --- is how the Weather Station announces Tornado Week, the Great Tornado Hunt, etc. etc., like tornadoes are some form of high entertainment!  You can just hear the glee in the storm chaser’s voice when he says it looks like a good day for spotting a tornado, or the disappointment when it never materialized.

It seems like every TV station shows storm photos that viewers send in. So besides all those professional storm-chasers, the roads are also busy with amateur lookie-loo’s. Talk about the ultimate in distracted driving! 

The other morning, when they predicted more tornadoes for Oklahoma, right after that bad one in Moore, I told my husband, “Just wait. One day a car full of storm-chasers will get killed. Then will they finally put a stop to this insanity?”  That evening 3 pro-storm-chasers lost their lives.

I just think it’s the utmost insensitivity and stupidity for the Weather Channel, Discovery Channel, etc. to make such a sport of storm-chasing --- adrenaline junkies are going to be out there on the roads cruising for the ultimate thrill, and believe it or not, sometimes they even have their kids with them!!! And get this: they even have tour companies now that offer the best in storm-chasing adventures! [Free Depends for all Passengers!]

Hopefully, after seeing dramatic footage of storm-chaser vehicles plowing through blown- apart barns, slammed by round hay bales that can weigh up to a ton, and tumbled over and over like an insane carnival ride, folks will realize that cars are the worst place to be in a tornado! 


So, that’s my rant for the week. With a sincere prayer added for all those who are suffering and faced with the overwhelming task of rebuilding their lives after this latest round of super-cell tornadoes. My heart goes out to you.

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