Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I'd Rather Take My Chances with an Earthquake or a Volcano

After two weeks of serious storms and way too much rain, we’ve finally had a couple dry days here. My husband went back to work on the farm today (finally!). They were able to get the corn planted during an earlier, drier spell, but now it’s standing in flooded fields. They’re way behind on planting soybeans, and if this rainy weather keeps on much longer, the wheat crop will be ruined. Not to mention they haven’t been able to do any haying. Farmers just can’t seem to catch a break any more.

We live in Tornado Alley. I HATE living here.  Where can I go to live out the rest of my days not having to worry about tornadoes? Seeing the destruction others (especially in Oklahoma) are faced with from the outbreak of twisters this past week, I feel very fortunate. I’m just devastated looking at all the tornado damage, because I think that would be the worst thing --- one minute you have your life and home and family, and then suddenly it can all be gone, with your most treasured and personal possessions scattered all over the countryside.
I just about go crazy when a storm approaches, as it did a few days ago. I wanted to jump in the van and run away from here, but Rich said, "There's no place to go. The storm front stretches all the way from Texas to Canada." 
Our dog goes and hides in the bathroom when he senses a storm coming.You can almost predict the weather by where he's napping.


  1. Glad you're okay. There have been tornadoes all around Dallas, but none in the city. My mother was worried about that, she lives all the way in the mountains of Virginia and sees what's on the news. I had to tell her that I live only 8 miles north from downtown Dallas, so I live in the actual city, not on the outskirts of the city. She feels better now.

  2. Been thinking about you, Vicki. We live in the same, long Tornado Alley, I think. Stay safe!
