Friday, May 16, 2014

A Night Out

The week before, the Jordans and I had decided to get together and take in a movie sometime during my final week.  Wednesday evening we went to see HEAVEN IS FOR REAL. 

Photo courtesy:   Thanks, Jon!
I'd read the book (about a little boy who has a near-death experience) and really liked it, so seeing the movie was a truly delightful treat.  It was good to be with my new friends again, and we all had a great time. This is a wonderful family movie with a moving spiritual message.

There was another movie playing at the theater that the Jordans had wanted to see, and since Thursday was its final night, I said sure, why not!  Knowing that I had my afternoon photo tour coming up, and a movie in the evening, I spent the next morning getting as much rest as I could!

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