Wednesday, May 7, 2014

More Pueblo Pix

Above is the pueblo's church, San Geronimo.  Picture- taking inside wasn't allowed, but it was very quaint and interesting.  There were so many carved saints behind the altar that it felt like I was in a Holy Doll Museum.

Here are several pictures of the pueblo's cemetery.

This hill of cross shows that the Indians of the pueblo don't decorate the graves of their dead in such a gaudy fashion as the Hispanics do.  I wish I'd taken a picture of a Mexican cemetery.  They are very colorful, with artificial flowers, banners, American flags (for veterans) and every other kind of glitzy party decoration you can think of! They certainly don't just bury their dearly departed and forget them. They also maintain elaborately decorated road-side crosses where loved ones were killed in auto accidents.  You see them all over New Mexico along the roads.

A private adobe residence next to the church. That rounded thing out front is a horno  (an adobe oven) where the ladies of the pueblo cook and bake bread.  You can see an old, broken horno next to it in rubble.

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