Friday, May 2, 2014

Save Our Military's Benefits

I just got this email from my niece Emily, serving in the USAF in Turkey. She's also served her country in Afghanistan and Okinawa.

photo: C.C. Godar

" The Capwiz website is a way for people to act on issues being pushed from the top to cut military benefits.  I am part of the Air Force Sergeants Association and this website lets our voices be heard.  It will automatically generate letters for you to send to the President, Congressmen, etc. on different legislative issues/bills being pushed. 

Please check it out and take action. Not only for me as a 10 year Active Duty member of the United States Air Force, but for all of the other men and women serving. Please help me/us in keeping our much deserved benefits they are trying to take away with budget cuts."


  1. Thanks Aunt Cindy for all of your support! It means a lot to me! You're the best!

  2. But of course, my dear! :o)
