Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Easter Sunday

I had my first gourmet breakfast  at AAGHB&B on Easter Sunday morning.  I wish I'd taken pictures of the meals.  They were so delicious and beautifully presented. The first breakfast was a big, fluffy breakfast burrito with pan-fried sweet potato cubes, and sliced, fresh fruit (always, fresh fruit and delicious fruit smoothies).

After eating, I returned to my casita, where I got ready for church.  I went to the 10:30 Easter Mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe.  Things went just fine until my shoulder bag (not padded), fell through the gap between pew seat and pew back. BAM!  It had my camera in it, and my camera is big and heavy!  How embarrassing! 

Model of the first church here

After Mass, I went outside and fired off a picture...Whew!  My camera wasn't broken! It was a miracle!  

Juan Diego with tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe
I wanted to photograph the inside of the beautiful church, so I milled around outside as the church emptied.  

I took a few more photos, and then went inside and took this last one...

Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, Taos, NM
Then suddenly, my camera just froze up! I was devastated! Of course, I knew it was broken. And my heart was broken with it.  Without a camera, I might as well just pack up and go home.

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